Hello, Welcome and Thank You for Being Here!

We are the "Creating Wealth" p4e Team
Only $2 (one time) to Join Us!!
"The product is advertising and the value is amazing..."  

Build A Super Nice Extra Income with our Powerful Team Build

*Active Team Members Get "4" Paid Referrals, Guaranteed.

With PAYS4EVER and our Team Build combined, You Can ...

Generate Instant Commissions
Up To $250 Per Referral
Have Success, Even As A Newbie
Get Free Traffic Training
Get Buyers Looking At Your Offers
Boost Sales For Your Business
And A Whole Lot More!

~ All For Just $2 One Time ~ 


*Active Team Members Get "4" Paid Referrals, Guaranteed!

Steven Anthony
(Team Co-Admin)

***Be sure to whitelist our email: theterockstars@gmail.com***

© Copyright 2018 

Income Disclaimer

Pays4Ever hosts a marketing platform that provides advertising and education for online marketers.

Pays4Ever also has an affiliate program where customers (paid members) can earn commissions from the sales of product packages. 

Commissions are made on product sales, not for recruiting. 

Pays4Ever does not guarantee that you will make any money from your use or promotion of the platform.

Pays4Ever provides you with a way to create leveraged affiliate income from marketing the program and advertising packages. The aim is to help marketers have more success in their business. 

If someone does not purchase the products, there is no commission generated. Commissions are only generated by selling the products.

As a customer, you can use the products to help you get traffic and generate leads for any business you choose.

You may or may not earn income.
Your own success is based on your own marketing skill, the work you put in, and other factors. 

And that is where our team build comes in - we have no affiliation with Pays4Ever except as affiliates. We help you improve your marketing and leadership skills and to get targeted traffic that results in PAID referrals. If you actively participate in our collective advertising system, we CAN guarantee you results, because we won't stop advertising for you and with you until you get at least 4 PAID referrals.